🎉 We're in Melbourne Stores! 🍾 Hachi Melbourne NOW STOCKING OWEN & EDWIN

Hey there crazy dog mommas and poppas!

We've got exciting news, and your Dog is going to love it. 

Melbourne Dogs now have the opportunity to check out our Dog Blazers (which are the Dog Coats which need to be seen to be believed) in more Melbourne retailers than ever before. 

Our Australian, Handcrafted Dog Jackets are more than a work of art; and we've poured our blood sweat and tears into delivering the finest Dog products in the world to you guys. 

We know Dog Lovers love a touch and feel, and we thought it was more than necessary to have our Dog Blazers in the City which gave birth to us....Melbourne :) 

So, next time you're in the world's most liveable city, bring your four-legged companion along and visit our new retailers now stocking Owen & Edwin. 

Hachi Melbourne

Hachi Melbourne - Owen & Edwin Luxury Dog Apparel - Vizsla Coat
If you haven't snuck out to South Yarra lately, Hachi is offering some of the finest Dog Products in Australia to Melbourne's greatest dog fanatics. For Dog Collars, Leashes, Nutrition and more; check out Hachi Melbourne and see our full range of Dog Blazers for you to try out! 
Address: 3/286 Toorak Rd, South Yarra VIC 3141
We're online, in store and more than approachable via phone and email. Feel free to say g'day, and subscribe to our email list to keep yourself up to date with the latest product releases from HQ! 
Have a great Wednesday!
Dean Denny & Sassy "The CEO" Vizsla
Owen & Edwin


  • Annie McDuffie's

    Being a victim to scam can lead to depression and it’s really devastating. I fell victim to them on Tiktok when a profile with thousands of followers and engagement convinced me to be my favorite celebrity Keanu Reeves. I first paid for membership and other request for money kept popping up till i get fed up giving them my money which ran into thousands of dollars. I reported to the authorities after my bank placed a hold on my bank and made me understand the fraud going on and it prompted my survival instincts. I went on YouTube and google in search of ways i can recover my stolen funds from these heartless scammers. Testimonies of different recovery agencies kept popping up but that of "REFUNDD POLICI RECOVERY SERVICES’’ really got my attention and i gave them a trial after hesitating and finally seeking God’s guidance in prayers.
    They Successfully recovered and returned my funds to me using the information and evidence i provided including the bitcoin addresses of the scammers.
    Here’s information to reach Refundd Polici Recovery Services Incase you or your love ones ever fall into similar situations.
    WhatsAp: +1 605963 9055

  • Leonard Millang

    My journey from victim to victor serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of perseverance. To those who find themselves ensnared in similar predicaments, I offer this beacon of hope: recovery is possible, even when the odds seem insurmountable.In closing, I extend my heartfelMy recent encounter with SWIFT SPY ASSETS RECOVERY marks a pivotal chapter in my life, one fraught with deception, hope, and ultimately, redemption. It began with what seemed like a promising investment opportunity but quickly unraveled into a sophisticated scam that left me reeling. It all started innocuously enough on the Telegram app, where I was lured into investing in what purported to be stocks of tech giants like Amazon and Apple. The scammers convinced me to download MetaTrader and Trust Wallet, tools that seemed legitimate for managing investments and cryptocurrency transactions. Little did I know, these were mere props in an elaborate scheme designed to defraud unsuspecting investors like myself. Eager to capitalize on what appeared to be a lucrative venture, I began funding the trading app with substantial wire transfers, eventually amounting to over 180,000USD. Each transaction seemed to reinforce the illusion that my investments were thriving in the booming tech market. However, the truth was far more sinister. It wasn’t until I attempted to withdraw my supposed profits that I realized something was amiss. Communication from the scammers became sparse, and when I did manage to contact them, their promises grew increasingly hollow. It dawned on me then: I had fallen victim to a meticulously orchestrated scam, and my hard-earned money was now in the hands of faceless criminals. In a desperate bid for justice, I turned to the NYPD, armed with evidence of my transactions and a trail of deceit. However, after a month of investigation, their verdict was disheartening: crypto assets, once transferred, were virtually untraceable. I was devastated by the realization that traditional law enforcement channels seemed ill-equipped to tackle crimes of this nature.Despite the bleak prognosis, a glimmer of hope flickered within me. I refused to accept defeat and resolved to explore alternative avenues for recovery. It was during this exhaustive search that I stumbled upon SWIFT SPY ASSETS RECOVERY, a name that would soon restore my faith in the fight against cybercrime. With little to lose and everything to gain, I entrusted Cyber Tech Wizard with my case. Swiftly, they sprang into action, meticulously tracing the convoluted path of my funds across the digital ether. Their expertise and determination were evident as they navigated through the complexities of blockchain transactions and cryptocurrency protocols.In a remarkable turnaround, just 72 hours later, SWIFT SPY ASSETS RECOVERY delivered the news I had begun to believe was impossible: my funds were successfully retrieved and restored to my bank account. The sense of relief and vindication was overwhelming, contrasting starkly with the despair I had felt mere days before. My journey from victim to victor serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of perseverance. To those who find themselves ensnared in similar predicaments, I offer this beacon of hope: recovery is possible, even when the odds seem insurmountable. In closing, I extend my heartfelt gratitude to SWIFT SPY ASSETS RECOVERY for their unwavering support and unwavering commitment to justice. They did not only restored my financial losses but also renewed my faith in the pursuit of justice in the digital age. To anyone navigating the aftermath of a scam, remember this: there are allies in the fight for restitution, and no setback is insurmountable with the right allies by your side. hire them to work for you if fallen vitim with the following information. Email.. (swiftrecoveryservice006 AT gmail DOT com) or WhatsApp number: +1 (786) 684‑0501. Or Telegram: SWIFT_HACKING website at https://swiftspyassetsrecovery.com

  • Eve Xiao

    In today’s digital age, navigating the online landscape can sometimes feel like trekking through a treacherous wilderness. Lately, I found myself ensnared in a web of deceit spun by a group of frvudsters, leaving me feeling helpless and devastated. However, amidst the chaos, I stumbled upon a beacon of hope – COIN RECLAIM SERVICE a recovery agency that would become my saving grace.
    From the moment I reached out to them, their team exuded professionalism and empathy. They listened attentively as I recounted my harrowing ordeal, offering reassurance and guidance every step of the way. It took us only 18 hours to recover my entire pension which i initially lost.
    their impact extended far beyond mere financial restitution. In the midst of despair, they provided a beacon of light, restoring my faith in humanity and reaffirming that goodness still exists in this digital wilderness. Their unwavering dedication to their clients is nothing short of commendable, and I am eternally grateful for their invaluable assistance. Just as i promised, i will always give reviews about them if i see a chance to, just incase theres anyone who is going through such situation like i did, below is there lines of communication.
    Wassap : +1 (360) 831-8690

  • Rocky Hepfner

    At Facebook, I connected with a crypto investment group called Capitalix fx. Every year the group manager would select their top 30 most active investors getting well engaged in the trading activities in the group and reward them accordingly through a variety of trading packages including a multi-investors package where you can invest together with a certain group to unlock a 500% profit return. Selected Investors would quickly top up their portfolio balance and alert the VPs of their group who will in turn confirm their buy-in, then we’re supposed to await the trading period of 2weeks before receiving our returns. Last year, I was among the 30 selected investors even though I was still in my first 6 months, I was quite surprised but I then It felt like an opportunity to amass more profits from the company, so I quickly gathered as much funds as I could and deposited into my account as per the companies terms and conditions. One week in and the company website shut down, i tried speaking with the group admin but she wouldn’t respond to any of my messages and she went on to remove me when i threatened to report her account. I resorted to hiring a hacking recovery company in a last ditch attempt to save my family, I had lost everything and we were now feeding from hand to mouth. As luck would have it, I came to know about a reputable and trustworthy recovery company SWIFT RECOVERY FIRM through a twitter post which quickly prompted me to get in touch with the team using one of their contacts info that I had copied from the post Email: swiftrecoveryservice006 @gmail.com It didn’t take long before their team responded to me and they accepted to take on my case after reviewing everything, within 48 hours the team anonymously extracted back my funds from the scammers back into my wallet, they’re my knight in shining armor and I strongly recommend them to everyone else out there. You can also reach them on WhatsApp on +1 786 684 0501 Or Telegram @SWIFT_HACKING Website https://swiftspyassetsrecovery.com

  • joyce caroline


    Losing a significant amount of money, especially through fraudulent means, can be devastating emotionally, financially, and psychologically. It’s a story that unfortunately many people can relate to, as the allure of quick profits and the promise of financial security can blind even the most cautious investors. For my husband and I, the journey began with the dream of securing our financial future through cryptocurrency investment. Like many others, we sought out opportunities in this rapidly evolving market, hoping to capitalize on its potential for substantial returns. However, what seemed like a promising venture quickly turned into a nightmare. Entrusting our hard-earned money to a broker who claimed to be affiliated with a reputable forex trading firm, we invested a significant portion of our retirement savings and business funds into what appeared to be a legitimate platform. However, as time passed and we attempted to withdraw our earnings, we encountered a series of obstacles that ultimately revealed the true nature of the situation. The broker, instead of facilitating withdrawals, began requesting additional funds under various pretexts, effectively draining our finances and plunging us into debt. The realization that we had fallen victim to a scam was both shocking and distressing, as we grappled with the devastating consequences of our trust being exploited for personal gain. We came across an article highlighting the services of Web Bailiff Contractor. Desperate for a solution, we did research, seeking reassurance that this company could indeed deliver on its promises of recovery. With cautious optimism, we reached out to Web Bailiff Contractor, providing them with the details of our situation and placing our trust in their expertise. What followed was a whirlwind of emotions as we anxiously awaited news of their progress. Remarkably, within a mere 48 hours, Web Bailiff Contractor not only validated our hopes but exceeded our expectations by successfully recovering every penny that had been stolen from us. Their commitment to thorough investigation and relentless pursuit of justice ensured that my husband and I were not only reunited with our lost funds but also granted a sense of closure and relief. The impact of this turnaround cannot be overstated. From the depths of despair, we emerged with a renewed sense of faith in humanity and a profound gratitude for the individuals who helped us reclaim what was rightfully ours. Our experience serves as a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of seeking assistance in times of crisis. As we reflect on this chapter of our lives, we are compelled to share our story with others, to serve as a beacon of hope for those who find themselves ensnared in similar predicaments. By spreading awareness of the invaluable services provided by Web Bailiff Contractor, we hope to empower others to take action and reclaim control of their financial destinies. In the end, while the scars of this ordeal may linger, they serve as a reminder of our strength, perseverance, and unwavering determination to overcome adversity. With the support of organizations like Web Bailiff Contractor and the solidarity of a community united in the pursuit of justice, there is hope for a brighter tomorrow, free from the shadows of deceit and exploitation.

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